Production blog

    Hello, welcome back to yet another blog! Me and my group filmed on December 8th, to the song "You Belong with Me", by Taylor Swift. A common, and very important tool I used during filming was makeup. Although very subtle, me and my group used Makeup to display our characters personalities. As stated before, my character was the "Good Best friend." I was acting to be a "nerdy" and "geeky" character. In order to present this character, I used extremely subtle make-up. I did very minimal mascara, and just a bit of ChapStick. I used these subtle products to fit my character. As for Marlo, she played a character that was "popular" and "mean." In order to display this character, she used eye makeup and lip-gloss. Stereotypically, this is the kind of makeup used on girls who are more "popular" and "girly." On Natalia's use of make-up, she also went on the subtle and safer side. A bit of mascara was used, as well as an Aquaphor ChapStick. Her character was again, on the neutral side. So, in order to play it safe, Natalia used minimal makeup. Her character was played as the "Neutral best friend." Overall, my group used makeup in order to display characters. The amount of makeup used varied depending on the character's personality. Bye, I hope to see you next time!


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