Generating ideas

 Hello! Welcome back to yet another blog. As stated previously, me and my group will work on a 2 minute opening scene together. My group consists of me, Natalia Sorbo, Harley Hansen, and Marlo Toomer. Our set plan date may change however it is March 16th. Throughout the filming process, me and my group will communicate efficiently to make filming go smoothly. While in the process of filming, we will test our ability’s that we’ve learned throughout this course. However, in order for things to go smoothly while filming, it is important to have a step by step plan prior. Me and my group plan to find royalty free music to apply to our first opening shots. Not only is this extremely necessary to our film, but also is taking the right precautions to avoid copyright. 10. A specific prop that me and my group came together as a whole for was the mask. A mask will be used on one of or characters. However, me and my group can not come to the conclusion of a specific mask. This may interfere as we are filming next week. Although, if we can come up with just one set mask in the next few days, we can continue to work efficiently. Overall, I am excited to film for this opening sequence. I know how well me and my group work when put all together. I can’t wait to step out my comfort zone once more!I hope you enjoyed reading! Goodbye.


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