Production reform

 Hello! Thankyou for returning to yet another blog. Me and

my group filmed on march 16th, 2023. During this process, we encountered slight changes in our plan. For example, me and my group realized our timing in which we should film was way off. We originally planned to film night shots as well as daytime shots. This was tricky for us as we had to film our scenes out of order. However, we were able to communicate and improvise in order to satisfy our needs. I was the main actor in the film, playing the girl who just moved in (simona). During the filming process I had to bring several costumes in which fit my character for the film. These costumes included a bathing suit, casual clothes, and sleeping clothes. Throughout the different scenes, I changed my costume depending on the time taking place and the scenery in which we filmed. Marlo, my peer, played the other actor in the film. I encountered slight conversation with her during the scenes. Harley, my other peer, acted as the “killer” in the film. Her costume consisted of a mask as well as a black long costume. This gave her the sinister and scary like look. We based our costumes off of our different roles in the film. Lastly, Natalia was the filmer of this production. Shooting scenes of me, Harley, and Marlo alone and as one.


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