Scene 1: Establishing shots of the new home
Scene 2: Shot of the kitchen scenery
Scene 3: Shot of the bedroom
Scene 4: Lingering shot of the pool
Scene 5: Car is shown and it goes off
Scene 6: Girl wakes up, turns off the car, it goes off again, she turns it off again.
Scene 7: Girl has headphones in and is making toast.
Scene 8: Long shot of an unknown person watching the girl eat the toast from outside the window.
Scene 9: Girl is on phone with her friend.
Scene 10: The friend on the other side of the phone.
Scene 11: Girl starts cleaning the house to get it ready for her friend.
Scene 12: There’s a knock at the door and the door is shown.
Scene 13: Girl welcomes her friend, they go get ready for the pool.
Scene 14: They’re chatting at the pool and having fun.
Scene 15: A knife is taken from the knife holder.
Scene 16: The girls come inside and notice the missing knife. It’s quickly brushed off.
Scene 17: The girls say bye and the door closes.
Scene 18: The girl is startled by a crash outside.
Scene 19: The girl calls her friend and asks her to stay on the phone with her as she investigates the sound.
Scene 20: The girl notices something in the pool and crouches down to get a better look.
Scene 21: The girl is stabbed through the back and falls into the pool.
Scene 22: The friend on the phone is screaming and calling for her friend.
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