Group Blog

   Hello. Welcome back!  For this year's project, I will be working with a mix of old and new peers. I will still be working with Harley. Whom I completed my last year's projects with. Me and Harley worked with two other students, Natalia Sorbo and Marlo Toomer. However, due to circumstances we are no longer working with them. I've worked extremely well with Harley, and when put together we make an amazing pair. With my editing and acting skills, and Harley's camera work were able to create great productions. However, this year we have a new addition to our group, Franchesca. I've known Franchesca for a little over a year now. I'm extremely excited to allow her into our newly formed group. Harley was the one who introduced her into our group, as she admired her work ethic. She also thought Franchesca would be a great fit for our group. Also, to add, Harley believes when we put Franchesca into our group, we can create even better productions. This year, we plan to still keep the same cycle we have going, where I will continue as an actor and editor. Rem will continue as a camera person, and Franchesca will be affiliated with all. One thing I am looking forward to is exploring new genres and creating scary/thrilling productions with my peers. I'll catch you next time! Thankyou so much for reading, Bye!


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