Hello! It's great to see you here once again. I regret to inform you of some very disappointing news. Me and my peers were unable to find the time to film. We had a plan to film in the beginning of February, but this did not occur. With unfortunate events, me and my peers had to collectively agree on another day. This was extremely difficult to make work as we all have different responsibilities. However, we all made sacrifices and put aside what can be done. Our new plan date to film is February 16th. Our plan consists of still, all the same things. NOT including a few minor changes due to setbacks. These changes include the possibility of a scenery change. Weve also discussed the safety measures needed to take when filming. For example, me and my group plan to film a stunt "theft" scene in a store. In order to avoid any misinterpretations, we can get permission from the store beforehand in order to avoid and legal actions. This scene will consist of me and Francesca. Harley will be the one behind the screen, filming. We still have yet to discuss smaller discussions such as which store we will film this at. I would most prefer a smaller, more trustable business. We will also take the measure to stay sanitized and clean! Thankyou so much for reading! Bye.
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